Sometimes, when you have master/detail tables you may need to write a query that, for each row in the master table, returns some data along with a compact list of all the details.
For example, in AdventureWorks we have a CountryRegion master table with the CountryRegionCurrency detail and we want to obtain a row set containing all regions and a comma separated list of currencies for that region.
stuff( ( SELECT ', '+ reg.[CurrencyCode]
FROM [Sales].[CountryRegionCurrency] AS reg WITH(NOLOCK)
WHERE base.[CountryRegionCode]=reg.[CountryRegionCode]
FOR XML PATH('')),1,2,'') AS [Currencies]
FROM [Person].[CountryRegion] AS base WITH(NOLOCK)
ORDER BY base.[Name]
CountryRegionCode | Currencies | Currencies |
AU | Australia | AUD |
AT | Austria | ATS, EUR |
AZ | Azerbaijan | NULL |
BS | Bahamas, The | BSD |